This 6.5 minute video explains the ministry of TEAM Mobile Seminary, which is «Great Commission Church Planting through providing national pastors in Latin America with tools for them to train their faithful countrymen (2 Timothy 2:2)»

TEAM Mobile Seminary


Great Commission Church Planting through providing national pastors in Latin America with tools for them to train their faithful countrymen. (2 Timothy 2:2)


The “What”: Assist pastors in Latin America to train their own people, without the need of multiple resident full-time missionaries, and without limiting the training of nationals to the ones who can travel to the US to acquire their training.

  • One-week trips with a seasoned pastor or teacher to assist ministries within Latin America.
  • We provide a sample block course and I interpret when necessary, train, assess and facilitate the TEAM
  • Offer options for training for the pastors and for those in their churches called to the ministry.
  • Returning to the US, I follow up online, planning another visit with them if necessary.


The “Why”: Pastors throughout Latin America understand the need to train those who have sensed the call to the ministry; however, many of these pastors do not know where to begin.


The “How”: Through working with the pastors in Latin America as a TEAM to provide the steps to

  • Train the trainers (or, equip the pastors to be teachers) by
  • Equipping the coordinators (the key pastors work as facilitators) to
  • Access the theological education available and
  • Manage the resources to create an institution directed to serve the local churches.